Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finally Ready

Yes, it's been a long time coming  and I must say I have truly been a work in progress. A lot of contemplating, a lot of second guessing, a lot of uncertainty, yes all the things you think about when your about to open your world up to the blogging community. Then it hit me....Why? if God says go, then go. So here I am!! His Virtuous Rib.

Let me set the record straight, I'm not claiming perfection, nor am I saying I have the perfect marriage, but what I am saying is God is the supreme force and foundation of my marriage so as we journey together in this life of blogging I want God to Get the Glory.

~So enjoy~


  1. Love it! Love you! Stand on His Word always!

  2. Thank you, you know you are my inspiration!!

  3. I haven't entered that chapter yet but I look forward to reading what marriage has been like for you. Through God all things are possible! Can't wait to read :)
